Помош со Извршникот на МедијаВики

Ова е самосоздадена документациска страница за извршникот на МедијаВики.

Документација и примери: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API

prop=imageinfo (ii)

(main | query | imageinfo)
  • За овој модул се потребни права на читање.
  • Извор: MediaWiki
  • Лиценца: GPL-2.0-or-later

Returns file information and upload history.


Кои информации за податотеки да се дадат:

Adds timestamp for the uploaded version.
Adds the user who uploaded each file version. If the user has been revision deleted, a userhidden property will be returned.
Add the ID of the user that uploaded each file version. If the user has been revision deleted, a userhidden property will be returned.
Comment on the version. If the comment has been revision deleted, a commenthidden property will be returned.
Parse the comment on the version. If the comment has been revision deleted, a commenthidden property will be returned.
Adds the canonical title of the file. If the file has been revision deleted, a filehidden property will be returned.
Gives URL to the file and the description page. If the file has been revision deleted, a filehidden property will be returned.
Adds the size of the file in bytes and the height, width and page count (if applicable).
Alias for size.
Adds SHA-1 hash for the file. If the file has been revision deleted, a filehidden property will be returned.
Adds MIME type of the file. If the file has been revision deleted, a filehidden property will be returned.
Adds MIME type of the image thumbnail (requires url and param iiurlwidth). If the file has been revision deleted, a filehidden property will be returned.
Adds the media type of the file. If the file has been revision deleted, a filehidden property will be returned.
Lists Exif metadata for the version of the file. If the file has been revision deleted, a filehidden property will be returned.
Lists file format generic metadata for the version of the file. If the file has been revision deleted, a filehidden property will be returned.
Lists formatted metadata combined from multiple sources. Results are HTML formatted. If the file has been revision deleted, a filehidden property will be returned.
Adds the filename of the archive version for non-latest versions. If the file has been revision deleted, a filehidden property will be returned.
Adds the bit depth of the version. If the file has been revision deleted, a filehidden property will be returned.
Used by the Special:Upload page to get information about an existing file. Not intended for use outside MediaWiki core.
Adds whether the file is on the MediaWiki:Bad image list
Вредности (одделете ги со | или алтернатива): archivename, badfile, bitdepth, canonicaltitle, comment, commonmetadata, dimensions, extmetadata, mediatype, metadata, mime, parsedcomment, sha1, size, thumbmime, timestamp, uploadwarning, url, user, userid
По основно: timestamp|user

How many file revisions to return per file.

Тип: цел број или max
Вредноста мора да изнесува помеѓу 1 и 500.
По основно: 1

Timestamp to start listing from.

Тип: време и датум (допуштени формати)

Timestamp to stop listing at.

Тип: време и датум (допуштени формати)

If iiprop=url is set, a URL to an image scaled to this width will be returned. For performance reasons if this option is used, no more than 50 scaled images will be returned.

Вид: цел број
По основно: -1

Слично на iiurlwidth.

Вид: цел број
По основно: -1

Version of metadata to use. If latest is specified, use latest version. Defaults to 1 for backwards compatibility.

По основно: 1

What language to fetch extmetadata in. This affects both which translation to fetch, if multiple are available, as well as how things like numbers and various values are formatted.

По основно: mk

If translations for extmetadata property are available, fetch all of them.

Type: boolean (details)

If specified and non-empty, only these keys will be returned for iiprop=extmetadata.

Одделувајте ги вредностите со | или алтернатива.
Дозволени се највеќе 50 вредности (500 за клиенти со повеќе следување).

A handler specific parameter string. For example, PDFs might use page15-100px. iiurlwidth must be used and be consistent with iiurlparam.

По основно: (празно)

If badfilecontexttitleprop=badfile is set, this is the page title used when evaluating the MediaWiki:Bad image list


Употребете го ова за да продолжите кога има повеќе расположиви ставки.


Look only for files in the local repository.

Type: boolean (details)